
Development type Fees
  • Written response only - £100
  • Meeting and written response - £200
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £250
  • Written response only - £100
  • Meeting and written response - £200
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £250
Change of use of land or buildings to a non-residential (dwelling) use
  • Written response - £400
  • Meeting and written response - £500
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £550
Housing development site (1 to 4 dwellings/up to 499sqm)
  • Written response - £600
  • Meeting and written response - £700
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £750
Housing development site (5 to 9 dwellings/between 500 to 999sqm)
  • Written response - £850
  • Meeting and written response - £1,000
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £1,100
Housing development site (10 to 29 dwellings)
  • Written response - £1,400
  • Meeting and written response - £1,600
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £1,750
Major developments (30 to 99 dwellings)
  • Written response - £2,000
  • Meeting and written response - £2,250
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £2,400
Housing development site (100 to 199 dwellings)
  • Written response - £2,300
  • Meeting and written response - £2,600
Housing development site (200 plus dwellings)
  • Written response - £3,500
  • Meeting and written response - £3,800
  • Meeting, written response and site visit - £4,100

Enquiries in relation to:

  • Where the development is for the direct benefit of a disabled person/s (and as such there would be no fee incurred to make a planning application)
  • Works in respect of tree preservation orders
  • Works to a listed building or in a conservation area, where no planning application fee would be required.
No fee payable


  • Prices listed are inclusive of VAT* and are non-refundable. 
  • If specialist external advice is required we will contact you to agree whether any further fees are payable. 
  • If additional meetings are reqiured, we will contact you to agree and arrange further payment.