If you want to work as a taxi driver in Lichfield district, you will need to apply to us for a combined private hire and hackney carriage driver licence.
This will allow you to drive a licenced hackney carriage or licenced private hire vehicle. Please note:
- You cannot apply for separate licences to drive private hire and/or hackney carriages - we only offer a combined licence.
- All licences are for three years. You cannot apply for a shorter or longer time period.
- You must apply and pay online.
- If you own your own vehicle(s) that you would like to use as a hackney carriage/private hire vehicle, you will also need to apply for a vehicle licence.
- If you want to operate as a private hire vehicle and take bookings, you will also need a private hire operator's licence.
Before applying for a taxi driver licence, we recommend you read our guidance notes and have the following information to hand:
- A passport style digital photograph (read the guidance).
- Your national insurance number.
- Your UK driving licence.
- Your eight digit DVLA check code (read the guidance).
- Your nine character tax check code - see complete a tax check for a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence.
- Your medical certificate following a DVLA Group 2 medical examination (we are unable to process your application without this, so please contact before submitting if you have any questions).
- Your 12 digit DBS certificate number, if you are signed up to the DBS update service. The number starts with 00 (read the guidance).
Payment is also taken online as part of the application. Please have your credit or debit card handy - find out more about the fees you will pay.