If you want to licence a vehicle to be used as either a taxi or private hire in Lichfield District, you must apply to us.

You can choose to apply for either a:

Hackney carriage licence

  • These must be white, with no more than eight passenger seats, and must be fitted with a meter and a roof sign.
  • Hackney carriages can stand at taxi ranks or be hailed in the street by members of the public within Lichfield District.
  • They are supplied with white licence plates and two side door stickers that state the plate number.

Private hire vehicle licence

  • These must NOT be white, with no more than eight passenger seats, and can only be booked in advance by customers.
  • Private hire vehicles cannot ply for hire in the street or at taxi ranks.
  • They are supplied with yellow licence plates and two side door stickers that state the plate number.
  • If you apply for a private hire vehicle licence, you will also need to ensure you/the person you work for has an operator's licence, which allows you to take/process customer bookings. Find out more about private hire operator licences.

In addition to licensing your vehicle(s), and getting an operator's licence (if you want to offer private hire services), you/all of your drivers also need to ensure they have a valid taxi driver's licence. Find out more about taxi driver licences.

All applications must be made online. 

Apply for vehicle (hackney or private hire) licence

View the fees.

All vehicles are included on the register of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles on data.gov.uk