Tourism signs (white on brown) are intended for essential directional guidance to tourist attractions for traffic. 

A tourist attraction is broadly defined for signing purposes as a permanently established destination or facility that attracts, or is used by, visitors to an area, and which is open to the public without prior booking during its normal opening hours.

Staffordshire County Council is responsible for considering and approving all applications for tourism signs.

How to apply

If you would tourism signs for your business, you need to apply to Staffordshire County Council.

A non-returnable fee is payable when an application is submitted to cover the cost of vetting the application.

The tourist attraction will also be expected to pay for the cost of any signing scheme, together with an additional sum to cover administration and design costs, as well as and future routine maintenance of the signs.

Read about the fees and how to apply for a tourism sign on Staffordshire County Council's website.