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My Account
About the council
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My account
Business support
Business rates
Carbon reduction
Car parking
Council tax and support
Community support and safety
Conservation and heritage advice
Cost of living and wellbeing support
Environmental health
Food safety and ratings
Housing advice
Homelessness advice
Leisure, sports and fitness
Licensing, permits and events
Parks and countryside
Planning and building control
Recycling, bins and waste
Roads, highways and pavements
Street cleansing, litter & graffiti
Trees, hedges and woodland
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Concerned about a rough sleeper during the cold weather
Received a letter or email about your single person discount?
Environmental health
Environmental health
Key items
Report a local issue
Report fly-tipping
Food safety and ratings
Make a noise complaint
Make a smoke, odour or dust complaint
Make a scrap metal collector complaint
Make a light complaint
Littering and penalties
Request a contaminated land search
Animal related licences
Air quality management
More on
Smoke complaint and bonfires
Odour complaints
Dust complaints
Dog control
Farming and livestock support
Trading standards
Staffordshire trusted traders
Enforcement policy
Body worn video policy
Septic tank or drains complaints
Private Rented Sector Housing
Damp, mould and condensation