Come along to our drop-in session that brings together council teams and local service providers who can provide help, advice and guidance in one easy accessible place.
Come along to our cost of living & wellbeing support drop-in which we host with partners across the district, including our council tax and benefits team, housing team, the Job Centre, Citizens Advice Bureau, Lichfield District Community & Voluntary Service, local foodbanks and more.
The sessions aim to offer a wide range of help and guidance, so why not pop in to find out more about a range of topics including:
- Our customer services team - for advice on housing benefit, council tax support, council tax exemptions, discounts and payment plans, foodbank vouchers, blue badge parking and assistance on any other district council service (including bins and recycling).
- Our tenancy sustainment officers - for debt advice and help and support to prevent homelessness.
- Lichfield District social prescribers - work as part of local GP surgeries to support with social issues that can have a significant impact on health and well-being. They can also support with concerns such as isolation, healthy living, confidence building and independent living.
- Citizens Advice South East Staffordshire for help and support with debts, benefits, energy bills and much more.
If you have any questions or need support, why not pop in to meet the team - everyone is welcome, no need to book.