Equality, diversity and inclusion

Workforce data

Our equality statement sets out that we committed to ensuring our workforce is welcoming to all and that people, no matter their gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability or disability, feel welcome and supported in our workplaces.

We also want to ensure that our workforce reflects the diversity in our wider community, so that we can ensure our services are designed and developed by people who experience the same things members of our community do.

From our belonging and wellbeing strategy, through to our staff networks and more, we are working to be an inclusive, listening council and diversity in our workforce is key to that and underpins our ambition to be welcoming and supportive to all.

Our workforce data

In addition to our gender pay gap report, in our latest  equality statement we published the below workforce data.

In December 2022, we employed 315 people, 129 were female (41% compared to 51% of residents in the district) and 186 were male (59% compared to 49% of residents in the district). Of our 315 members of staff, 244 (77%) are full time employees and 71 (23%) are part time. Just over 3% of our employees were from black and other ethnic backgrounds (compared to 5% of the district).

Of those who provided the information 2.7% stated they had a disability (compared to 18% of residents living in the district).

We also undertook to collect a wider range of data from our employees relating to protected characteristics through a workforce survey we carried out in May 2023, the results of which are published below.

181 staff working for the council answered the survey and the results are published within this document. We have also published comparisons to the 2021 census data obtained from Nomis. Moving forward we are aiming to increase the participation rate, so we have more comprehensive data to inform our actions and can provide year on year comparisons.


The national census asked questions of gender diversity in two separate ways. Firstly, it asked whether someone is male or female, and secondly, whether an individual’s gender identity is the same or different to what was registered at their birth.

Within the wider community, 49% of census respondents answered they were male and 51% answered they were female. 0.3% of people responded that they do not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.

The workforce survey provided more options for gender identity. The results show there are more women, non-binary and transgender people (50%) working for the council than men (48%). A similar pattern is present in the leadership team.

The workforce survey asked the question of gender assigned at birth in a different way to the census. This highlighted that there is greater gender diversity amongst those working for the council than those living in the wider community, with 2% of respondents not identifying with the gender they were assigned at birth.


According to the census, the largest age group in the wider community are people aged 65 years or over (24%). The average (median) age of someone living in the wider community is 46 years. 

Whilst the workforce survey showed the largest age group by number working for those working at the council is 50 – 64 years, the average (median) age is also 46 years.

It is worth bearing in mind that the census surveyed all ages, including those who are not of working-age, whereas the workforce survey only included people in employment.


The census data showed 95% of people living in the wider community are white British/English and 5% are from other ethnic groups. The second largest number of residents in the wider community are Asian, which includes Indian, Pakistani, and Chinese.

The workforce survey shows that 94% of people working for the council are white British/English and 6% are from other ethnic groups. This includes 1% of the workforce who identify as Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller. 

Sexual orientation

Around 2% of people living in the wider community are not heterosexual. This includes around 1% of people who are gay or lesbian. Sexuality is more diverse within the workforce, with 4% of those surveyed being gay or lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, queer or other. 


According to the census, 17% of people living in the wider community are disabled under the Equalities Act and of these 14% are aged between 15 - 64 years. A further 8% have a long-term physical or mental health condition, but their day-to-day activities are not limited. 

According to the workforce survey, 15% of our employees have a disability, illness, or health condition. It is worth bearing in mind that whilst the census surveyed all ages, the workforce survey only reflects people in employment.


The census showed that 57% of the wider community identify as Christian, 3% follow a religion that is not a Christian denomination, and 40% follow no religion.

The religious population in workforce is representative of the wider community, with Christianity being the most prevalent religion (51%). 41% of people identify as not following any religion, meaning that around 8% follow a religion that is not a Christian denomination. Other religions including Buddism, Hinduism, Judaism, Muslim, Sikhism and Paganism were selected.


Census data available at: 2021 census profile for areas in England and Wales - Nomis