Annual Report
Lichfield District Council's Annual Report has been published and is available to view.

Lichfield District Council has published its Annual Report which summarises performance and highlights key achievements over the last 12 months while declaring priorities for the coming year.

The report, which is available to view on the Council’s website, outlines its priorities and how they have been met, explains what has been done to support people struggling with the cost of living, to tackle climate change, to advise customers and investigate complaints, to support the people of Ukraine living in Lichfield District and promote community safety.

With the Council managing more than 80 open spaces across the district the report also highlights the work done to enhance them and how significant investment is being made to improve leisure and sporting facilities across the district.

The Leader of Lichfield District Council, Councillor Doug Pullen, said:

“I am proud of our achievements in what has been an extraordinary year with the rising cost of living, the war in Ukraine and the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

“Despite the challenges we have continued to be ambitious investing in leisure facilities and a new cinema, supporting people facing hardship due to the cost of living, creating a business hub at District Council House and saving £1.5million through our Being A Better Council programme. We have been able to do this whilst not increasing the Lichfield District Council part of the tax bill for residents.

“Much has been done to improve the district but there is much more to do including making more headway on the Birmingham Road Site following resident engagement and feedback that is now informing the next stages of design of the area, getting our cinema built, developing further opportunities for inward investment in Burntwood and launching the Lichfield District 2050 Strategy informed by residents’ views.

“In addition to our achievements the annual report outlines our key priorities for the coming year.”

View the Annual Report and Annual Report highlights here on the website.  


Published: 16 March 2023