Lichfield District Council’s Regulatory and Licensing Committee has approved increases to a number of fixed penalties from 1 April 2024.
Following changes to the law in July this year, the maximum fixed penalty that can be set by councils for a range of environmental offences increased.
The committee of elected councillors has set the penalties that apply in Lichfield District to the new maximum. As a result, the fixed penalty for fly-tipping will rise from £400 to £1,000, reduced to £500 for early payment. If the fixed penalty is not paid, the courts can impose a penalty of up to five years imprisonment and an unlimited fine.
Fixed penalties for leaving litter will rise from £150 to £500, reduced to £250 for early payment. If the fixed penalty is not paid, the courts can impose a fine of up to £2,500.
Householders who give their waste to another person without checking whether they are a registered waste carrier will now face a fixed penalty of £600 instead of £200, which will be reduced to £300 for early payment. If not paid the courts can impose an unlimited fine. Fixed penalties for graffiti and fly-posting have also increased.
Cabinet Member Councillor Alex Farrell said:
“People in Lichfield District are incredibly proud of our local environment, and the council is doing all it can to keep it clean and green.
“We’re lucky to have some dedicated volunteer groups, Particularly the Lichfield Litter Legends, doing fantastic work to keep our streets and public places free of litter.
“These increases to fixed penalties will send a strong message that offences like fly-tipping and littering will not be tolerated locally. The revenue from fixed penalties goes back into funding more enforcement activity, and those who don’t pay face a much larger penalty in court along with a criminal record.”