Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet is keen to ensure skaters continue to have somewhere safe to enjoy the activity in Burntwood by installing a Skate Park at the town’s leisure Centre.
A skate park had been situated at Cherry Close in Burntwood on land leased from Staffordshire County Council. However, this land is set to accommodate a new health centre.
Lichfield District Council is partnering Burntwood Town Council to deliver the replacement scheme at a cost of £106,000, £86,000 negotiated by the district council from housebuilders and £20,000 contributed by the town council from the Community Infrastructure Levy (a charged levied on new developments).
At this evening’s Cabinet meeting councillors recommended the project to the Council.
The Leader of Lichfield District Council, Councillor Doug Pullen said:
“We are using funds negotiated from housebuilders to expand our leisure offerings right across the district.
“We understand how important they are to residents of all ages which is why we are working to deliver this replacement skate park in Burntwood and have made an investment in a new leisure centre at Stychbrook Park in Lichfield.
“Our aim is to encourage more people to be more active, more often and it’s great that we are able to collaborate with Burntwood Town Council in providing a new place for skaters to meet and practice in a safe location.”