To find out the planning history of your property, including whether it has any permitted development rights (removed by a planning condition on a previous or original planning permission), we recommended you: 

Request a planning history search

This will provide you with a list of all planning application numbers relating to your residential property. 

For help on what permitted development is, and to see the categories of permitted development, please read Schedule 2 Part 1 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015, as amended.

Alternatively, if you need more help and guidance, why not find out about our pre-application advice.

Will I need planning permission?

To find out if you need planning permission, having viewed the property history, you can then: 

  • Review guidance on commonly undertaken householder projects
  • Review the interactive guidance for householders on the Planning Portal.
  • Seek further advice and/or confirmation from the council following the above, then you could submit a certificate of lawfulness for proposed development. Details of how to do this and application forms and fees applicable can be found at Planning Portal.
  • Submit a pre-application householder enquiry. To find out more visit our pre-application guidance
  • Unless your dwelling is a listed building internal works (e.g., removing walls or adding internal walls, or replacing fire places)  are unlikley to require planning permission.