The Royal Institute of British Architects is a worldwide organisation, with more than 32,000 members in over 100 countries. It is a registered charity, whose aims are: 'The advancement of architecture and the promotion of the acquirement of the knowledge of the arts and sciences connected therewith'. The RIBA provides support and guidance to its membership and regulates their conduct.
Building for Life is a commitment to the quality of new homes made by three partners: the house-building industry, represented by the House Builders Federation, the government, represented by the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) and the campaigners, represented by the Civic Trust.
Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) are the Government's advisor on and the champion for architecture in England. Their function is to promote high standards in the design of buildings and the spaces between them. They are there to help and offer advice to all those who create, manage and use the built environment.
English Heritage is the government's advisor for listed buildings and conservation areas. Their web site contains details of all listed buildings within the area.
The Planning Portal provides a comprehensive planning service including government legislation, guidance notes, links to further information and the ability to submit applications on line and in some cases view local authorities development plans and maps.
The Planning Inspectorate deals with all the appeals on planning applications in England and Wales and are an executive arm of the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions.
Staffordshire County Council Development Services will comment on planning applications that link to their buildings, assets or services.
Lichfield City Council will comment on planning applications within the city boundary.
There are Lichfield based Royal Town Planning Institute members who offer independent local planning advice. View the online directory of planning consultants on the Royal Town Planning Institute website.
Planning Magazine provides up to date information on current planning issues and debates.