Vote by post

How to apply

If you want to vote by post, you must first make sure you are registered to vote. You will likely only need to register if you have recently moved address, changed your name or recently turned 18 years old. Find out more and register to vote online 

If you are already registered to vote at your current address, you can apply to vote by post instead of at a polling station. You can apply at any time and don't need to wait for an election to be called.

Once registered, or if you are already registered, you can apply to vote by post by the deadline. You will not need to provide photo ID to vote by post. You will however be asked to provide a signature and your date of birth - these will be stored securely.

Each time you vote by post, your signature will then be checked against the signature you provided on your original application. If you are unable to sign in a consistent or distinctive way, perhaps because of a disability, you may be granted an exemption, called a waiver.