Local housing allowance

Local housing allowance rates 2024/2025

How much support you receive will be calculated using a nationally agreed rate (see below) that takes into account the average cost to rent a property where you live (known as a broad rental market area).

It will also depend on how many people live with you, and how many bedrooms you are entitled to.

The shared room rate applies to most single people under 35, even if you live in self-contained accommodation. The rate of local housing allowance you get may change if you move or the number of bedrooms you need changes.

To find out how much local housing allowance you may be eligible for based on your circumstances, visit the Directgov website

Local rates

For most of our district, the mid-Staffs rate applies:

Mid-staffs local housing allowance 

Rooms Weekly rate

Shared room rate


1 bedroom (self contained)


2 bedrooms


3 bedrooms


4 bedrooms


But if you live near the borders of Birmingham (such as Little Aston), the Birmingham rate will apply.

Birmingham local housing allowance 

Rooms Weekly Rate

Shared room rate 


1 bedroom (self contained)


2 bedrooms


3 bedrooms


4 bedrooms
