If you’re looking for quality workshop or office space to run your business from or new land to develop your business, we can help.
Business Hub at District Council House
There is a business support hub at the District Council House.
The hub provides office space, meeting rooms, hot desking facilities, virtual offices and fast WiFi. The on site café, Penni Uni, offers catering and food and drinks on demand.
To find out more or to register your interest in current or future vacancies, email gemma.holder@lwmts.co.uk
Staffordshire County Council support
If your a business looking to locate in Staffordshire why not contact the team at Staffordshire County Council about:
- Affordable, easy in, easy out licences for office and workshop space at local enterprise centres. They provide the ultimate flexibility for new and growing businesses across Staffordshire.
- A range of land available for development, expertly located across the county. Businesses can purchase and develop these sites. The Make it inward investment team can also help you find the right land and property for all of your businesses needs.
- County council owned farms which can be let by people looking for an affordable opportunity to enter into agriculture and the rural economy before moving on to other premises and opportunities.
If you are looking to relocate your business to Staffordshire, support is also available to help you make the move from the Make It Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire team.