Lichfield District Community Safety Partnership Hub meeting terms of reference

Information sharing

All organisations shall be signatories to One Staffordshire Information Sharing Protocol or a recognised agency under statutory information sharing protocols.

Any information will be treated as restricted. It will be kept and ultimately disposed of in a secure manner and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR. All agencies should ensure that the minutes are retained in a confidential and appropriately restricted manner. These minutes will aim to reflect that all individuals who are discussed at these meetings should be treated fairly, with respect and without improper discrimination. All work undertaken at the meetings will be informed by a commitment to equal opportunities and effective practice issues in relation to race, gender, sexuality and disability.

Staff will only share information that is proportionate, relevant and appropriate. This is a professional judgement which staff must make in line with the principles of The One Staffordshire Information Sharing Protocol. The information disclosed can assist other agencies to make appropriate decision and interventions, but may not be disclosed, copied or divulged to any other agency and only use that information in relation to the context for which it was disclosed.