About inspections, appeals, re-ratings and right to reply

Visits are done in various ways, but most often an officer will speak to you about what happens in your business, the safety methods you have put in place, and will inspect the structure and cleaning.

Visits are generally unannounced and its important you let us inspect your premises when we arrive.

By carrying out unannounced visits we can ensure that good standards are in place during usual operations.

If you own/run a food business which was recently inspected and you are unhappy with your food hygiene rating, you can respond in a number of ways:

  • You can appeal your rating within 21 days and ask our food team to review their findings and your rating. As part of an appeal we do not visit businesses again. There is no charge for an appeal. Find out more.
  • You have a right to reply which allows you to tell your customers what you have done to rectify issues found at the inspection, or explain why the inspection does not reflect the food hygiene standards in your business. Your reply will be reviewed by the food safety officer who inspected your premises and edited to remove any offensive or defamatory remarks before being published online next to your food rating, alongside a statement that states the accuracy of your comments have not been verified by the food safety team. There is no charge for this. Find out more.
  • You can ask us to re visit your business for carry out a re-rating inspection. This is carried out within three months from the date you submit your request on an unannounced date. There is a charge of £200 for a re-rating visit.  Find out more.