What we can investigate

We will investigate complaints about ongoing/repeated noise if it is affecting you at your home or business property, including:

Neighbour noise

Noise from domestic premises covers a wide range of activities, the most common being loud music and barking dogs. We will also investigate house alarms, DIY at unreasonable hours, regular and loud parties and noise from pets. 

Noise from commercial premises

A certain level of noise from commercial premises is reasonable and to be expected, however, we will investigate where excessive noise is impacting local residents such as loud music late at night, ventilation systems or alarms.

There may be conditions on certain types of premises which limit noise levels at particular times so we will check this. However, generally no licence permission is required for recorded muisc and amplified live music between the hours of 8am and 11pm at a premises licensed to sell alcohol or community premises such community, church or village halls. 

Unamplified live music is permitted at any premises between 8am and 11pm and amplified live music is allowed in a workplace which includes beer gardens. In all cases the audience must be less than 500 people. 

Noise from construction

A certain amount of noise from construction sites is to be expected, however, contractors and developers must work in line with a code of practice . We are only likely to investigate a case if we feel that this code is being breached or not being followed at all.  Restrictions may also be in place from planning to control the working hours on the site.