As part of our continuous improvement agenda in development management, the planning team are constantly seeking ways to improve our service delivery.
In September 2023, we agreed a proposal to transform the our planning service. This included a re-structure and the implementation of proposals to eradicate delays in our processes.
All of this was designed to not only re fresh our service, but to make it more efficient and drive up quality and standards for new development in our district.
Invalid and amendment chargesShow Hide
In the last year we have brought in additional charges for invalid applications and amendment requests to help free up Officer time and drive up the quality of submissions and development which gains approval within the District. The additional charges have been implemented to improve our service and make it more efficient for residents and businesses.
Fast track serviceShow Hide
We have also introduced a new fast track service for householder, Prior Notification applications and Certificates of Lawfulness where applicants can pay a fee to obtain a quicker decision.
Planning enquiry toolShow Hide
We have introduced a Planning enquiry tool to help our customers find the planning information they require on line.
Planning focus day (3 month trial)Show Hide
We are trialling a Planning Focus Day, where our planners will set aside every Tuesday to focus on determining their applications, clear any backlog of applications which have built up and, implement proactive measures to provide an exemplar planning service to our customers and residents. The planners will be unavailable on a Tuesday, but will respond to any messages, where necessary, promptly within 48 hours.
The trial will begin on 3 February 2025 and last for a period of 3 months, with regular reviews taking place. We welcome feedback and this can be provided via
Publicity of planning applications (3 month trial)Show Hide
We are trialling from 3 February 2025 for a period of 3 months publicising the majority of our applications by posting a site notice rather than sending out traditional letters. Look out for the yellow site notices in your area, we may put up more than one site notice for a development proposal depending on its size or location. The site notices are posted for a minimum of 21 days and provide a description of the development proposed and a handy QR code to access the relevant documents on our website.
Anyone can respond or provide comments relating to a planning application, and seeking the views of local residents is an important part of the planning process. We welcome feedback and this can be provided via
Major planning applicationsShow Hide
We work with our trading company, Lichfield West Midlands Traded Service (LWMTS) to provide pre-application support to developers bringing major and strategic applications to the district. The team at LWMTS also process major and strategic planning applications up to the point of decision.