Am I eligible to be elected?

To be eligible to become a councillor, you must:

  • be over 18 years of age.
  • be a British subject, or a citizen of the Irish Republic, a commonwealth country, a UK dependent territory or another country in the European community.
  • be an elector for the area in which you would like to stand, or have either owned property, lived or worked in that area throughout the 12 months immediately before you are nominated. (In the case of parish and town council elections, you may be eligible if you lived, worked or owned land within 4.8 kms of the boundary of that area).

You cannot stand if you:

  • are employed by that council.
  • have been declared bankrupt within the last five years and you have not repaid your debts.
  • have been convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to not less than three months imprisonment within the last five years.
  • you hold a politically restricted post for another authority.
  • you have been disqualified under any legislation relating to corrupt or illegal practices.

You do not need any formal qualifications to become a councillor.