Useful links


Shelter is a national charity which, as well as campaigning to fight bad housing and homelessness, also offers housing related advice and help. Visit the Shelter website


Adviceguide is a website run by the National Association of Citizen's Advice Bureau and, as well as offering housing-related advice, also offers advice on a wide range of subjects, from education to travel. Visit the Adviceguide website


Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people. They are dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change. Whether you’re stuck trying to get a flat, want to gain skills and qualifications, need help to find a job or just want advice on what to do next, we will do whatever it takes to help you. Visit the Crisis website

Missing People

Missing people is a charity offering advice and support for missing people and their families and friends. Missing people are a lifeline when someone disappears. They are caring and highly trained staff and volunteers working in collaboration with partners across the UK. They provide a unique, confidential 24/7 service called Message Home. If you are in crisis, unsure of what to do next or would like to pass a message to someone, please get in touch. Visit the Missing People website