We are set to give a boost to the high street with new powers from Government by auctioning off leases to long term empty shops in Lichfield and Burntwood.
High Street Rental Auctions (HSRA) is a new power for local authorities to require landlords to rent out persistently vacant commercial properties to new tenants such as local businesses or community groups. Introduced last month by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government as part of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 we are an early adopter of the initiative.
1 in 7 shops now lie empty nationwide, which can see higher unemployment rates, upturns in anti-social behaviour and a lack of pride from residents in their local high streets. This new initiative allows us to require work with landlords to bring buildings back to life, reducing the number of vacant premises to increase footfall and improve the high street economy.
A premises is eligible for a High Street Rental Auction where it has been unoccupied continuously for 12 months, or for at least 366 days (non-continuously) within a 24-month period.
Councillor Richard Holland, Lichfield District Council’s Cabinet Member for High Street and Economic Development, said:
“Unfortunately I expect we will see an increase in the number of vacant retail premises in the district over the next 6-12 months as a result of the increase in employers’ National Insurance and minimum wage, coupled with the slashing of business rate relief from 75 per cent to 40 per cent.
“Despite this we are determined to do everything we can to keep our district’s high streets as attractive and vibrant as possible.
“We will be working proactively with landlords on this to ensure that key properties do not remain empty and can be put back to use for our residents, businesses and visitors.”
To implement the auctions we are required to consult with residents, stakeholders and local businesses on the suitability of the designated areas in Lichfield and Burntwood where they could be used.
Please find out more about High Street Rental Auctions, view the current maps of the designated areas and share your thoughts on their suitability by the closing date of 10 February 2025.
Full details of the Government initiative are available online.