Pasturefields SAC

Pasture fields SAC (nr Great Heywood, Stafford) is the only known remaining example in the UK of a natural salt spring with inland saltmarsh vegetation.
The vegetation consists of red fescue Festuca rubra, with common saltmarsh-grass Puccinellia maritima, lesser sea-spurrey Spergularia marina, saltmarsh rush Juncus gerardii and sea arrowgrass Triglochin maritimum in the most saline situations.
Further info about its designation can be found on the Joint Nature Conservtion Committee website.
How to submit a Regulation 77 application
To submit a regulation 77 application, email and include the following documents:
- Details of the development to be carried out (scaled location plan and floor plans as a minimum), including where relevant the proposed water neutrality strategy.
- A response to your proposal from the nature conservation body (Natural England), if received.
- Confirmation of payment of the £30 fee. Please pay for your Regulation 77 application online