Comment on a planning application

You can give your views on, object to, or support any application that's currently open for consultation - even if it doesn't affect you directly/you've not received a letter about the application.

Current applications can be viewed on our weekly list of planning applications.

We normally allow up to 21 days for comments - from the date we send out consultation letters/put up site notices or issue press notices. If an application is amended during consideration, sometimes the time allowed for comments may be reduced - read our statement of community involvement to find out more.

We won't write to you to acknowledge your comments, but we will publish them online for others to view. It's important when submitting a comment to be aware they will be made public (find out about the information we redact) and that we may also forward them to other relevant parties.

The best way to comment is through our planning website:

  • Enter the application reference number, postcode, address or keyword (such as a business name) in the bottom search box.
  • Find the application you are interested in from the list that appears, and click on the green title to open up the application you want to look at.
  • You will be taken to the planning application screen, which has a number of tabs at the top (you will be on the 'details' tab). To read the documents, click on the 'documents' tab.
  • You will see a list of documents that have all been submitted by the planning applicant - they are not always named the same, but good ones to look at are 'application form, amended plans, site plans etc.
  • To read the documents and see the plans, click on the 'view' icons on the right hand of the table. You can also use the ruler to see the size of plans. If you want to download any documents, put a check box in the left hand box(es) next to the document(s) and click 'download selected files'.
  • If you want to comment online, click on the 'comments' tab. You will need to register if you are not already signed up.
  • If you would prefer not to register, you can email comments to - please quote the planning application reference number in your email title - this is shown at the top of the planning application screen - and starts with a number (such as 19/00000/XXX).
  • We will publish your comments on line, within the electronic case file, although your personal details (i.e signitures, email addresses and telephone numbers) will be removed (redacted) if provided. However names and addresses will be published, as we do not take into account any anonymous represenatations (or where these details have been requested removal) in the determination of applications.
  • By law we have to publish all comments we receive on our website and in planning reports (we redact personal information such as email addresses etc), so please make sure your comments are clear and easy to understand and you are happy for them to be published publicly - find out about what we do with comments.

Comment online

Read our privacy notice (planning).