Public transport

Accessible taxis

Licenced taxi companies operate across the district.

Licensed hackney carriage vehicles (taxis) can be hailed on the street, picked up at ranks or pre-booked, but you can only pre-book private hire vehicles.

To book an accessible taxi view a list of wheelchair accessible vehicles and the operating companies contact information email us about taxi licences, or call us on 01543 308725.

If you travel with an assistance dog they must be allowed into the taxi or private hire vehicle with you, unless the driver has an exemption certificate on display. This can be issued if they’ve got a medical condition made worse by contact with dogs.

A driver with an exemption certificate will have a notice of exemption on their vehicle windscreen.

It’s illegal to be charged extra to travel in a taxi or private hire vehicle with an assistance dog. Otherwise, the driver could be fined up to £1,000.

The following types of dog can be taken with you in taxis or private hire vehicles:

  • guide dogs trained by the Guide Dogs organisation
  • hearing dogs trained by Hearing Dogs
  • assistance dogs trained by Dogs for the Disabled, Support Dogs or Canine Partners.

Should you have any further questions, email us about taxi licences, or call us on 01543 308725.