Gambling, machines and lottery permits

Alcohol licensed premises gaming machine permit/notification

If you run a licensed premises (pub, bar etc), with a premises licence, you are automatically entitled to have two gaming machines of category C or D on your premises, but you will need to apply for a permit.

You can also apply to have more than two gaming machines on your premises. To apply for an alcohol licensed premises gaming machine permit you will need to complete the application form and return to

Alcohol premises notification of two of less gaming machines or gaming machine permit


If you are applying for up to two gaming machines, the fee is £50.

If you are applying for more than two gaming machines, the fee is £150.

The licensing team will contact you when your application has been received to arrange to take payment.


The gaming permit does not expire and runs alongside the premises licence. However, if you have a permit for more than two gaming machines there is an annual fee of £50. We will send you a reminder when this fee is due.