
Individuals have rights when it comes to how we handle their personal data. These include rights to:- 

(a) withdraw consent to processing at any time; 

(b)  receive certain information when the Council collects their information or receives it from a third party; 

(c) request access to their personal data;  

(d) have the Council correct inaccurate information;  

(e) ask the Council to erase their personal data;  

(f) restrict the way the Council uses their information; 

(g)  be notified about any recipients of their personal data when they have asked for rectification, erasure or restriction;  

(h)  object to any processing undertaken by the Council in the public interest/exercise of official authority or in our legitimate interests or those of another;  

(i) object to direct marketing by the Council, and, to 

(j)   be notified by the Council of a personal data breach where it is likely to result in a “high risk” to their rights and freedoms.  

Procedures exist (which should be followed) if a person seeks to exercise any of the above rights.