Frequently asked FOIs

Taxi licensing

This page provides regularly asked FOI information on taxi licensing.

Please check to see if your FOI request is answered below before submitting a new request.

Please note: The full licence number has not been released within our data sets below. We are withholding this information on the basis that s40(2) personal data and s31(1)(a)(prevention and detection of crime).

This decision has been recently upheld in an ICO decision.

Licensed Taxis

No taxis licensed by us are currently working for Uber.

You can now search for licence and licensing applications


We have updated our list of wheelchair accessible vehicles.

This version is available in two formats:

This information is due to be updated in July 2021, we will not provide interim updates.

Guidance & legislation

Rules are imposed on any party granted a taxi license. These rules include making it clear when a meter cannot be left running.

  • No drivers have been prosecuted for failing to comply with s165 Equality Act 2010.
  • We have not granted any exemptions under s166 of the Equality Act 2010.  If any applications are received they would be reviewed on their own merits.
  • The drivers of the vehicles found within the open source data are aware that their vehicle has been listed for this purpose and no appeals have been made against this.

About applying for a taxi licence

If you want to offer taxi or private hire vehicle services in the district, you will need a licence - find out more about taxi licenses.