My account
Report, book and apply
My Account
About the council
Report, book and apply
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Our trading company
Feedback and complaints
My account
Business support
Business rates
Carbon reduction
Car parking
Council tax and support
Community support and safety
Environmental health
Food safety and ratings
Housing advice
Homelessness advice
Leisure, sports and fitness
Licensing, permits and events
Parks and countryside
Planning and building control
Recycling, bins and waste
Roads, highways and pavements
Street cleansing, litter & graffiti
View menu
Fraud Alert for Premises Licence Holders
Licensing and permits
Outdoor and street-based events
Outdoor and street-based events
Key items
Apply to host an outdoor event in the district
Write an event management plan
Safety advisory group
Apply for street trading consent
Hire a local park for an event
Apply for a road closure
Hire our street cleansing services
More on trading on the streets and special events
Prepare a risk assessment
Organising a street party
Street performer guidance
Charity collections permits
Pavement licences
Event permission and licences
Our events policy
Contact our events team
See all services