Safety advisory group (SAG)


Event organisers will be expected to share the Event Management Plan for their respective event at least 3 months prior to the date of the event, to enable SAG members sufficient time to review the detail within their area of expertise.

Initial consultation of SAG Members will be facilitated electronically. Event details and event management plans will be uploaded to the LDC SAG area on ResilienceDirect, which only SAG members have access to. This will be co-ordinated by the SAG Chair.

The onus is on members of the SAG to access the documentation upon notification, review it accordingly and return any feedback in a timely manner to the SAG Chair, answering the following questions:

  • What feedback do you wish to provide to the event organiser?
  • How would you like your feedback to be addressed by the event organiser? (e.g. receive sight of an updated version of the plan for further consideration)
  • Should the event organiser be invited to a scheduled SAG meeting to discuss any concerns raised?

The SAG Chair will collate all feedback and provide a consolidated response back to the event organiser.

Final versions of event management plans should be shared by the event organiser, at least 2 weeks prior to the date, to ensure SAG members have the most up to date version.