Do I have a local connection?

One of the key requirements to join the housing register is a local connection.
A local connection is really important as it helps to safeguard local socially rented homes for local people and those people who cannot safely remain where they are currently living.
You could demonstrate a local connection in a variety of ways, including:
- You have lived in Lichfield District for the last two years.
- You lived in Lichfield District for three out of the last five years.
- You have a close adult relative (mother, father, adult children, brother or sister) you are in regular contact with, and who currently lives in Lichfield District, and can evidence they have done so for the last five years - you will need to provide evidence of their residency and your connection to them.
- You have been employed in Lichfield District, either on a permanent or temporary contract running for at least six months and are still in local employment of 16 hours or more per week - you will need to provide evidence. Unfortunately, being offered a job in the district does not demonstrate a local connection until you have been working in the job for at least six months - we would recommend you consider private rented housing.
- You are a care leaver under the age of 21 and Staffordshire County Council owes you the leaving care duty.
- You are a care leaver under the age of 21 who has lived in Lichfield District for at least two years, including some time before you turned 16, and the local authority that owes you the leaving care duty is not Staffordshire County Council.
- You are fleeing domestic abuse and cannot safely return to any area where you have a local connection.
- You are fleeing because of violence, or the threat of violence against you, and cannot safely return to any area where you have a local connection.
- We have accepted a homelessness duty and you resided in Lichfield District for six out the last 12 months.
You may also be able to demonstrate a local connection through special exceptional circumstances. Examples of special exceptional circumstances:
- You/your partner are having medical treatment for a life limiting condition and the treatment is only available in Lichfield District.
- You have a child at a specialist school in Lichfield District and the care the school provides is only available in Lichfield District.
We are very sorry but special exceptional circumstances do not include:
- You have shared custody of a dependent child – where one parent lives in Lichfield District and the other doesn’t.
- You live outside of Lichfield District, but your child is in childcare or a school within the district.
- You have no family living in the district, but you have particular ties to one family who you are very close to. If you have strong foster care links to a family, we may consider this as a local connection.
- You have friends living in the district.
- You are a member of a sports club in the district.
- You like the district more than the area you currently live in.
You will need to provide evidence of your local connection and/or special exceptional circumstances - it is your responsiblity to gather this evidence, however we will try to help where we can.