Missed bins

Please make sure your bins are out by 6am by the kerbside (at your usual collection point) on the day of your collection.

We do not finish our rounds before 4.30pm, and sometimes we have to leave a street mid-way through to empty our wagon. We will come back to finish the street later.

We are sorry but if your bin was not out by 6am, contained the wrong waste, or is too heavy, we cannot come back to empty it at a later time. We will leave a note on your bin if it is too heavy or is contaminated.

If however your bin was:

  • at the kerbside by 6am.
  • did not contain the wrong waste.
  • was not too heavy.

and we did not empty it, please report it no earlier than 4.30pm on the day it was supposed to be emptied and no later than midnight on the following day (unless you have an assisted collection). 

If you report it later that this, we will not be able to return to empty it.

Report a missed bin