Street trading within Lichfield District

We have designated all streets within Lichfield District as consent streets, except the whole extent of the A38. This policy applies to all street trading which is undertaken within Lichfield District.

Where an applicant wishes to trade on private land, a consent will not be granted by us unless the applicant provides written permission from the land owner showing they have permission to trade.

Traders that trade during events held at Lichfield Cathedral will be considered to be street trading if they are either trading on the street named Cathedral Close or on the grassed area facing into the street, but not where they are on the grassed area facing into the cathedral.

This policy does not apply to:

  • Small scale trading from residential properties (for example, garage sales, garden produce, eggs from own private livestock).
  • Sale of articles by a charity. Charity sales and collections in the street are regulated under Police, Factories, & c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916 by us. Charities should contact our licensing team to apply for a permit.

Street trading consents are issued by us. The consents come under the following classifications:

Annual street trading

This is a consent that lasts 12 months and enables the trader to trade up to 7 days a week at a particular pitch within the district.

Temporary trading is preferred within the town centre locations.

Annual consents are limited to certain locations in the towns.

Temporary street trading

This type of consent is for short periods of time for designated pitch in the district. 

No more than 30 consents will be issued per pitch, per year.

Roaming street trading

This is where a trader operates on various streets within the district rather than a fixed location.

Events eligible for subsidised street trading

All events that are agreed through the events and festival policy will automatically receive a subsidy for street trading and traders will be charged a subsidised fee.

For smaller events, the event organiser can apply to us to request their event to be considered for an event subsidy, where street trading is taking part at the event and there are 10 or more consents that require issuing.