Section 6 - Security and stewarding

In this section provide a summary of your staffing arrangements, including the details of your security contractor, the numbers of staff, and the location and the times they will be at the event. 

Security staff will need to be licensed by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) as door supervisors and you may be asked to provide evidence of this licence.

Examples of licensable activities carried out by SIA licensed door supervisors (this is not an exhaustive list): 

  • Screening a person’s suitability to enter the event or venue e.g. turning away individuals who are under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
  • Searching persons for cameras, alcohol, drugs or weapons.
  • Responding to incidents within crowds or queues to deal with antisocial behaviour likely to result in harm to others. 
  • Ejecting individuals from a venue or event. 

The work carried out by door supervisors is classed as licensable activities. The role of stewards is different and should be defined in this section of the event plan. 

Stewards cannot carry out licensable activities as they are not licensed by the SIA. This is often confused by event organisers, resulting in untrained and unlicensed stewards carrying out the role of SIA licensed door supervisors.

Stewards can: 

  • Direct the public to seating areas, refreshments, toilet and first aid facilities etc. 
  • Check tickets and admission.
  • Provide safety advice and assistance to the public.
  • Ensure gangways and exit routes are kept clear for health and safety purposes. 
  • Help with evacuation procedures and liaise with the emergency services.

You will need to define how security staff and stewards will receive a full briefing before the event to ensure that they are aware of their individual roles and responsibilities. Also include how security/stewards can be identified e.g. the use of different coloured tabards or high-vis vests. 

For larger scale events over 1500 participants, the ‘Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds’, (also known as the Green Guide) recommends a minimum ratio of stewards to participants of 1:250. This increases to 1:100 or even higher where a higher level of safety management is required for the specific event as determined by the risk assessment e.g. where a large number of children are expected at the event, or where alcohol sales play a key role in the event. This should be considered as a checkpoint for event organisers of events of this size.

Government guidance on security at events.